here is that I scored here, unfortunately Sad
My story started a few months ago, but I think the reasons are quite tova.predi years ago I gave birth and shortly thereafter began to lose kosichkata in front of her head Crying or Very sad
I went to the doctor, let my blood tests all the norm, either by razhdaneto.edin months drove a shampoo and a spray of Anafaza Ducrot and balsam of Revalid, and vitamins, there was little improvement and then again went to sashtoto.pak doctor, the same-either by birth, would go after vreme.sega continue to drink vitamins Geritamin, use shampoo and spray Phyto herbs against hair loss, and also I spent a month with losioncheto Seboral.nyama difference Sad still in front of the head my hair is thinning a lot and I see petna.drugata weeks to go to another dermatologist.
if you let someone can advise what else I could do to write!
for me last year was pretty difficult, I was subjected to extreme stress, not only because razhdaneto.mozhe and this would have contributed, but for me the problem becomes more unbearable, my confidence goes to hell and I'm miserable ...
So - from what you say, do not think it is androgenetic alopecia, where it is typical overall thinning of hair, and most mid-skaplpa. - You say you are seeing spots - most likely areata, a diagnosis can give you skin, by herself or you - if you still have androgenetic alopecia without the slightest desire to pour cold water on it, buy your wig, you can use also Minoxidil 2 % - but I doubt that the effect of it will be satisfactory, most stop hair loss, and ultimately the state in which you now do not they ever odovletvoryava -
if areata, there are a number kortiksteroidi that treatment is effective in different people differently, Bulgaria - as far as I know only treated with alpikort - from illiteracy, most likely, but there are many others who may try - things that It is not know whether, in Bulgaria it is practiced imunnoterapiya - has the highest success rate as far as one can speak of success with Aretha - if it can sprout your hair back without any apparent reason and again .. na
And do not be unhappy, as decisions like, reality themselves create it
fuckfalse you mentioned the range, but you see what spots. Are they sharp-distinguished from other hair without any traces of hair on them. If so, of the range goes, but I doubt any areas, because you mention and another dilution. Moreover, their soles and doctors, and as they are sduhani in the field of hair loss, Areata think they would have known. She is just special. If after birth is not compulsory and is androgynous, but simply by hormalni shifts in the body, combined with stress. Geritamin nice drink, but only vitamins A and E are far dostatamni. Get yourself and all of group B, but one / B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 / drink them in larger quantities. They need you most, because in addition to feeding your hair and skin healing work are included in the composition of the enzymes that do interact with hormones and improve balance, and ome of the B-th act favorably on the endocrine glands.
From Seborala and Revalida, fayda no, no. Anafaz of Ducrot on using it, you can try and ampoules of Rene Furterer RF-80, which are specifically reactive against hair loss / and is likely to you is just such / and women help a lot. In the extreme case, if you see that things are going quite bad, take Minoxidil 2%, it is for women. This is a last resort, when and if you see that nothing lose. You will at least stop hair loss, and may return hair depends on many things.
thank you very much for your answers! takaaa-spots are very distinct and seemingly not noticed, but you bend your head, ie if someone is looking down on me is evident, but not entirely wool spots, but rather dilute kosichka in front chast.i most strange that these days, I noticed that just in the middle front part of the countries I mentioned problem.kakto I think this week to visit the dermatologist again, but this time with another, although in our city, I doubt anyone has deepened in my problem Sad
I very much hope it is a temporary condition, because you have become obsessive about this issue and I reflect pretty badly (as someone had mentioned in another thread-May gets vicious circle of stress and more stress).
Do not want to saddle yet, but what now looks like opesala straight female androgenic type of hair loss. In women occurs so hair is diluted in the road at the top and central part of the scalp. Veroyano is unlocked by hormonal shifts after delivery and that stress, which mention that. Go to another doctor, but dermatologists are really very bad in this respect. There is also good, but are rare. Look what I will say that a doctor and if unsatisfactory, is better oriented specialist, at least they can diagnose properly. If you have any dopalnitemni research and to appoint you, because if you really have androgenic alopecia, a waste of time without treatment is poor. And the treatment of this type of hair loss is difficult and limited medications, both in men and women. Minoksidilat clear, but it is better if indeed such hair loss, a physician who is aware and can tell you what ladies, antiandrogens can use. In this type of Rene Furterer neither nor Ducrot nor there various shenanigans like his help. Drink more vitamins that you wrote for now, until it is established as it stood then: begin with already adequate for him medication.
And another thing: As you go to the doctor and tell him what you will hear him say. But then tell him and you express what you doubt to his little ears and spiked to address. If you need to let go and hormone research, research male androgen androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone. If one of them is increased, women can now make a serious presumption of male pattern hair loss / androgenic.
Hello again! I want to share that today run on lekari.hodih of endocrinologist, after examination told me that at first glance there is nothing wrong except that I am underweight teglo.pusnaha my research on a hormone tomorrow them vzema.posle I released and studies nosoglatkata because somewhere I read that even some sort of bacteria can cause kosopad.i finally passed through a dermatologist, I was released again from Ducray products and concluded that most probably due to excessive stress and insufficient sleep . endocrinologist and dermatologist and androgenic alopecia excluded once shared concerns si.dano really no more news tova.kogato I will write again.
Well are turned off and I hope so. What do you study, which hormone? Thyroid Have you accessed it at first said endocrinologist. Personally my mvevie what you said before is to explore the 3 androgens. If you do not put research they make them alone. And without the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and dulfat not covered by health insurance fund, only testosterone roof dregite two pay them. And I say this for no other reason but to see how the situation there and if its okay, at least quite likely to reject Anzrogenen. For thus said this, he said, seemingly straight is not serious. They do not know what it is, all explained with stress. It is true that it is the foundation of almost all calls, but should be checked hormones. If you are placed on thyroid hormone not bad, at least turn off the hair of Shtitzhvidnata gland, but my personal opinion is to explore, and Androgens, if nothing else to turn off and from there, no / not impo de /, but then you wonder what, why, how, etc.
yes, I studied the thyroid hormone, but do not remember how I called today to get rezultatite.a those male hormones asked and suggested if there is a way to test, the doctor told me to explore if there are other disturbing factors such as hair growth on undesirable places naprimer.pitaha me and heredity, but everyone in our family have lush hair, even my dad, who chase 50 is 3 times more hair than my Sad
I have more things bind to nerves, because two years ago I had other complaints (but then I had hair) and still-sum tests you and nothing and then I went to a neurologist and found out that because my experiences are different then most problemite.i my symptoms subside after changing their lifestyles and thinking, but I stuck that in my strong concern appears the feeling that I can not breathe, as if something is stuck in my garloto.sled giving birth had a very hard not just past the baby, but on a personal level and now when I think somehow they knotted things.
I see today after reviewing endocrinologist at how things are and will still write, but I begin to ponder whether to go back to the neurologist
Go to a neurologist, most can tell you that you have Vegetative dystonia, but they know who is gone. But otherwise I guess you are placed on pituitary hormone TSH, which regulates the T 3 and T-4 thyroid hormones. If you is normal and thyroid'll be fine. Androgens And I told them to do, only to exclude probable causes one-on-one. To hit the type of hair loss the first time has more than luck. The exclusion of light, more light will finally discover several reasons and can dobiesh some clarity. So Androgens may be slightly higher and you without you and other disturbing symptoms. The doctor has told you the most brutal and agricultural option. It if it comes to increased hair growth, thickening of the voice, and without them research will clearly state what they are. Then You will not explore whether high but how high. Otherwise, hair loss in women is dostatamno and one of the three is slightly higher, to appear. You make them for themselves udpokoenie not to wonder if from nowhere else but nothing came out from where comes the problem. This is my opinion. Good luck.
takaaa survey my TSH is normal, let me yesterday to check you more and more common blood testosterone levels, first normal and the hormone will be ready in proved by microbiological tests nosoglatkata I have many bacteria in the nose and throat and will now be treated with antibiotic Sad if they were a long time there may have contributed to hair loss.
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