So .. I finally decided to take seriously the problem si.Ot awhile I noticed that my hair is thinning too much and this is not normal for a young man like me 18 years'm god! If you have any matter .. 7 8 9 grade my hair was non stop in tonnes gel .. I know .. but I was a kid who thinks about these things in those years .. and still is now irrelevant to me which makes any that I've put tons of gel .. I know I'm guilty myself .. but here is the following .. pretty boys in my class also put their gel and nothing to them .. no way that my father stayed 21-22 years with no hair ... I hope I have not inherited the gene's .. because if I am .. and with those three years to gel in.. (CENSURED) maternal hair ... do you think of what condition is my hair . Even in grade 9 is sensed by then .. I never put a drop of gel on his head .. past 3 godini.Dosega shaved his head 4 times .. no special effects ... maybe you should do it again, but this time continuing to shave at least 1 month in 2 .. 3 days to be able to scalp irritated by the people .. and still do not think healing of something so serious for a young man ... is what works these days .. will go to the doctor .. I hope to God I could save my hair .. zaboga am 18 years old
First: do not blame you, slay him from his head that he screwed up his hair gels, because the causes of hair loss in men are sensitive hair follicles to dehidrotestosteron - a hormone that your body manufactures. So do not be bothering with unnecessary guilt to himself.
Second: unfortunately in genetic susceptibility (dad) hair loss can start and ur age so stupid I know ... But does not alone with this problem, believe me. I am a girl and I am even more horror to my thin hair, but I never expected this to happen with super thick long hair that I had. Well after several years of digging for information I realized that I am far from the only one with this problem.
Third: Do not panic if you act well, decided that he would fight. This site has lots of information and men with much experience in fighting hair loss - read here for minoxidil, gives very good results especially if you start early stage of hair loss. If you go to a dermatologist, probably just with Minoxidil will advise you to anoint themselves. Still not bad to do a consultation - there are other preparations as well as drinking (propetsiya), but there has side effects.
Fourth: I never give up, life goes on and believe me if I stared at this problem, you risk to spend in dull conundrum just the coolest years. You at least have a choice to go with shaven glavaSmile I know it is very difficult, but we must learn to his city's image and esteem for themselves and to people as distinct from her hair. I know many men who are super with bare head away and have no problem with women (and certainly they bother) because they radiate confidence and have more important goals in life than to harass the lack of hair.
All these things I speak from experience them-I of 22 years go by and harass doctors, but women and causes more complexes and the society we do not normally considered if the problem really becomes obvious. So there are many methods to hide and it can read. I gladly would shave at least once to feel this freedom and even I think I'll look good, because many like her face. But I just stopped stupidest comply with society to an extent where we nagnetilo limited understanding - as you imagine what would shock the people around me ... I still spill courage.
Come success
Good Hope, gave his boy a great response and the type of hair loss and the treatment and optimism.
And on it will say the same, I do not fool yourself that it is a trap of hair gel tones. 99 percent suffer from hereditary, androgenic alopecia and gel foam, wax and various styling-there, nothing to do. Go to the doctor and see what you say but Minoxidil: begin while Remes. Take your shampoo and Nizoral and this of Kloran against hair loss and it turns while you brush your hair with them. She wrote Propetsiya you, but it in Bulgaria, transform it nyamya. These are antiandrogenic agent, finasteride, which is drunk and block hormone responsible for this type of hair loss. In Bulgaria, sold under the trade name-Proskar. It is true that there are side effects, but at least you will keep your hair. On the other hand, however, you're 18 and do not know whether this is the right age to drink anti-androgen. For this by going to the doctor be advised whether it will begin. I drink it 9 months, a side effect not seen. Several people from the forum drink it now and do not complain. But again I say, in view of your age, talk to your doctor, do not mistake endocrinologist. Otherwise there has other anti-androgens, which are spread locally to the scalp. Read through the forum, information on medicines for the treatment of androgenic alopecia, is directly carts. And do not think that as you constantly shave your head will stop the process. This again is a very great error. Shave yourself, so if you like, but otherwise count by shaving.
Yet cavity floor .. can you help me you must first really good to understand the story ... then 7 8 9 class as I said every day my head was ringing gel ... above both said that nothing gel .. so did not want to argue because I'm not sure, but let me tell you what happened .. did we will consider together whether I hold back .. no dispute that if the gene occurs now concern is really that gel ... but still .. then 7-8 g class I did not care of this gel Maginot .. .. I have malak.Obache in grade 9 .. just in the beginning of Grade 9 in the morning .. get .. . I open the box with the gel and begin to do my hair .. it took at least 15 minutes .. but apparently in Grade 9 or wits, or I came really was evident that hair .. and as everyone knows hair done messing .. fingers in the box with the gel and anoint themselves .. and when smear the gel on her head and formed a quota right there .. and I am forming the next stirring .. reached before I noticed that my hand is all in hair .. does not mean big word but there was 50-60 kosama .. and I most easily wash it under the tap and a new cmon ... wrong again and again dub style .. and most quietly go to the teacher .. also .. especially when I stopped ALL the gel in the middle of grade 9 .. each time you go in to bathe stand under the sink and began to tumble head .. just fell to disgrace hair .. talk about 10-15 seconds .. all mifka Rochelle was in hair .. and I remembered that when I shaved my arms for tatusa ... my hair was soft and some very thin ones .. heck out of your hands as you shave shave them now ... and I called Abe wait to see what 'will happen if you draw the line .. so .. shaved is not to say a big word but the result was 95% .. when I grow up to 1-2 months roughly 2 cm hair .. I stood at the sink and began to tumble that .. wants to believe one fell HAIR! I was just ecstatic .. little to contradict this with my first post that I shaved my head 4 times and there was no god knows what effect .. just when I wrote it I was desperate .. and so still, let me emphasize that no one hair fell out when Rochelle hands after shaving .. but apparently my hair is thinning its trickle of that before shaving .... and so even now being porosha ... how to explain my difficulty is. then after first shave or a hair fell out .. or longer or shorter .. and now .. after the fourth fall shaving is a bit odd .. then tumble with hands .. my hair long as 2 cm .. tumble to tumble to .. Abe fall nekvi hairs in a 4 mm 6 mm .. .. Fun super tiny ones .. and I called Abe tity of no one else has except me because I washed my mifkata previously tumble .. and you know no such hairs that fall must fall because my hair is 2 cm long by 2 cm .. such .. do not fall fall for 4 mm by 6 mm .. .. .. and speaking fell Roshi is 10-15 seconds and fell to 4-5 such hairs I say .. to say that I have hair now .. But it is this small difference from before and now .. that before OR after the first shave a hair does not fall .. and now accounts for 4-5 .. but that is very short ... how to understand it .. most veroyatno .. because I shaved fourth time until two months ago and now my hair is somewhere tolko .. 2 cm and quota tity these small hairs how to understand the sense .. how can you explain I'm not afraid that the fall .. again fell 4-5 hairs that normally you would lose every day at 100-150 .. does not bother me that bothers me fall .. rather why they fell 4-5 in a 4 mm .. 6 mm .. not fell 4-5 at 2 cm .. as my hair! that is, I deduce that my hair does not fall but just somehow these hairs proved that my hair is weak .. and places as it kazham phraseological no food for some hairs and they grow up and stop somewhere .. so let me summarize .. you said that the shaving effect is not great .. but my hair loss stopped in too much of this baldness .. and I think for me at the time treatment should be started not stop a very bad hair loss or very active but rather treatment thickening of hair and podhravane many damaged hair ... I t.e hair .. but I was dumb as a small operation has done my hair and sit at this level .. my hair did not fall but sitting thinning .. ie I think you need to compressed and nourish a lot .. anyway I hope I'm not bored any of his long post just ask your advice make sense you should be aware of what 'is all about .. and still not self- I make will go to the doctor.
So you see now, you need a doctor to go, but I sent pictures and something strikes me. nNaistina father is androgenic alopecia. The gene is almost always onasledyava. Even in a large number of cases this gene from the mother onasledyava without anything on it and has the hair, but his son is suffering from androgenic alopecia. Look, this type of hair loss most often begins in teenage years, when hormonal matures. Then, if you have this gene and it otkslyuchi allows the male sex hormone Dehidrotestosteron to interact with a hair follicle and slowly killing them. This happens so-DHT shrinks hair follicles and depriving them of blood flow. Sam noticed that the hair is weak and malnourished. And so, because being bent follicles of that hormone is impaired blood supply to them, and hence nutrition-deficiency substances which are foods hair vitamins, minerals, proteins. The process is not lightning, but gradually. After the first loss of hair, they start sprouting thinner and weaker, then even weaker, until finally remain only moss. These are tiny hairs that fall noticed after you are shaved. Shaving hair strengthens itself in the sense that not going to let your hair long and to weaken further, but if your hair loss is androgenic in anyway, but in no way affect the process. Not only that did not stop, and not even affected at all because the process is inside, you explained how it works. For the gels is the same now blame them because you saw it when putting it at a time, your hands are acquired hair. Not so, then the process is otlyuchil Naslenstveniya hair loss and many sosmite were in resting phase. Because the gel is thick and when putting him most of these hairs are left on your hands and sink. And the same they would fall in all cases, but more slowly and imperceptibly. Then would not the gel sudden hair loss, and would watch how thin hair for no apparent reason. Hopefully not inherited genes, but I-May-its. Therefore take steps, go to the doctor. But again I say, for starters get shampoos that you wrote and Minoxidil. Last thicken the hair, these shampoos and prevent hair loss. You are currently not noticed hair loss, but this does not mean that it will or will not occur again. Anti-androgen preparations you wrote, but they will talk when the doctor tells you what kind of hair loss and prescribe any treatment you / who knows what will be. Now is not bad to drink from the group of vitamins C and supplements containing more zinc, but they will not help especially since, as I said, interrupting blood flow to hormone hair. They help by co-treatment with Minoxidil, and / or anti-androgens, since these drugs block hormone vaprodniya and restore blood flow to hair, as the substances are absorbed. Only somewhat Zinc can stabilize the situation, because unless that is fundamental constituent of hair, he has data that is lightweight, stestven inhibitor Dehidrotestosterona.
So, thanks for the exhaustive otgovor.Do crashed here that DHT is our enemy .. food blocks the hair ... and we have to block it (DHT). and that anti-androgens and minoxidil to block .. well understood as above, what is all about .. I'll go to the doctor and tell me about what 'is all about .. will write again Smile ex fuck how frustrating to be young. . to sit at a computer and you feel the agony .. like your life is ending .. will (CENSURED) mamichkata of this DHT
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