Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 15

Hello! 22 M m. I have inherited balding, yet not so obvious (more on my crown is evident) but enough to make me worry more. So I decided to run recipe that told me a dermatologist. Regain 2% Anakaps (two pills each morning) and shampoo TrichoZed. These three together for four months. I'm afraid not to get me one of the side effects of regaina - increased hair loss during the first few weeks. But we hope to have an effect, I'll write again after 4 months what the outcome. As far as I read they have to look positively to the whole process, because the stress is less. I think there are a lot of truth in this, but I was worried about her hair ... However, what God gave them! Thanks!
Hello, thank you for sharing your combination, I hope to you to act!
What I can advise is to make quality pictures now and again after 6m. at least, believe me this is the only objective method for assessing the effectiveness of treatment.
If you worry about etc. shedding is better podsrizhi 2-3 of machine number, not to worry unduly if it occurs ....
In tablet anakaps "I noticed that contain soy TrichoZed .. If they get lazy read what the + and - sides of etc. plant estrogens, isoflavones.
Last will comment that the price of this combination is quite high, I hope to have the opportunity to afford it now.
Hello! Boy of 27 g m. I have very thinning hair in the middle of the head, perhaps as a result of many years and dandruff saboreya in this area. But anyway - I am resigned to this form and trim Very short.

However, about 8 months / beginning of February / received at the back of a very small spot. Zabyalyaza him a friend the next day after I was angry for a lot of nonsense.

Gradually began to grow. Basement it with garlic in the beginning because I was once again in gimnachiyata and I had mine so in May

Then I try the recipe with hot peppers, some kind of ointment to a colleague of my mother, which I sometimes zasarbyavashe izranyavashe skin.

But his growing stain ... Went to a doctor in the Alexander, which gave me anastim and anafaze and alpikort u. There was no result but to admit, I was very compliant in taking them. Had his research on hormones - everything is fine.

A month ago I was with Prof. Tsankov - ibid. I prescribed Locoid Credo + Finalgon - spreads by saying "I'll go."

And another thing .... around Christmas last year I had granolom of a tooth, treated it with laser and stopped it hurts. But in early September went on research - an "outbreak" was not remember. But it showed that there is any infection. So ultimately this tooth pulled with granoloma to eliminate a possible cause ...

Now I wonder what to do ... Thats my kind I already complex gripe is how I go back as cancer last ointments Smile Otherwise I use them strictly, now I will go with Prof. Tsankov, but not for a month my hair has grown ..

Nakakvi recommendations? Experience?
My areata occurs about 6 months ago, four spots.
write to you as possible to unlock her stress and strong emotion, but the focal infection obviously contributed a lot .... And I pretty basement with finalgon, alpikort F, but they threw away
You know you recommended vitamins, supplements, Selenium, etc.? they really work because they stimulate the growth of hair.
To me at that time and my hair fell about 100 a day, but grow less in spots ...
As some consolation I can tell you that the only thing alop.areata May is known is that unless affected half of the scalp hair is recovering from 6 months to 1-2 years.
Good luck!
PP Do not go back as TrichoZed, is not so terrible stain picture
Hello. For quite some time know about the forum, but I've only looked at and read. Soon my quirk to register and here it is my first post. Hardly would I have a very useful (at least for now) because I'm pretty boss about themes here. Even my not know what it is - a problem, heritage, or curse.
At 18 am (age flourishing Smile). I've never had terribly thick hair, but it was decent ... however, when I was about 14 or 15 (do not remember exactly) started by oily barzichko. Far better, but now 16 and 17 it was impossible. Bathe, and the next day as run my fingers in your hair shine (and here vobshte not exaggerating). I noticed also some sediments. When my hair is wet and slightly postarzha (be a scratch), the thin film under the nails as ... lard!? When dry fall such as dandruff. Not notice any significant hair loss, although my hair seemed to be diluted. My mother has a book of folk medicine where writing about something and it said it is hormonal imbalance or something. I have no clue of tity but I've read that alcohol affected badly, and I chestichko poprekalyavam. Rolling Eyes If anyone knows anything about tity, will be happy to hear it! (In this case May is more accurate to say he will reading the post
Unfortunately, the reason we met in this site is quite unpleasant. For me the problem is the same, but the last months rather deepened.
First, make all hormonal studies, especially those of shitovidnata gland - see, there are special articles and posts on this site.
I now treat 1 month thyroid, because only now the doctor where I went to took me seriously and decided to take the risk to start any treatment. Last 3 years I have been going to various doctors and none of them took the risk in their various reasons for which I think I'm talking about here.
So the first thing is to test your hormones, so go to an endocrinologist. And if you want to see what tests are written here and make them without napravlinie by a doctor.
Good forumche you have neat, congratulations to you Wink.
Briefly, my story - a man of 24, about a year and maybe something started pookapva my hair. Initially very small, but already pretty hard lately. The last few months straight is a very bad situation. Thin the entire top of the head and crown. I think I have a change in the line of the forehead (at least for now), but above and behind my hair thins and falls terribly. For the record - my father is bald (he started about 30) and also both my grandparents were pretty bald lifetime. So far I have not fought a fight with the problem, but soon I plan to start. Poprochetoh this and that and I am determined that propetsiya and such like shit not drink, but I treat the outside. I can take one and a minoks Nizoral (preferably foam), but minoksa do not know where and how to order it, so if anyone can help I would be grateful. Before embarking on any treatment I want to do at least one hormonal studies, but do not know neither where nor exactly which hormones to explore. I have also problems with the skin, but for them also heard that it is wrong to do research on hormones, so if you can point me where to do The investigations and exactly which hormones will help me a lot.
If you think it makes sense to go and dermatologist will not be angry if you recommend someone.
I am a male, 26 years Sofiya.I I like most of you here have hair care and just do not know what to do sense that I do not want to be like Bruce Willis in those years. Sad But just as I read the forum May not recovered, at least not traino.TrichoZed I started a year ago and when I noticed that neshto top of the head I spot occult 2-3 cm in which my hair is pretty razredena.Lyatoto his shaven head and when started to grow my hair at this place hairs were broken somehow but grew more slowly around him noticed that my hair has started to sashto oredyava.Imate any idea how much hair is tova.Prochetoh forum not we could not razbera.Ako some may help me write let alone many will blagodaren.Vidyah there are some quite familiar with the problem.
My name is Boris and soon navarshvam 21.Student sam.Registrirah here while I've been looking for information about your problem.
In general I have always had very thick, black and brittle kosa.Nikoga I have not used gels, ointments, and any such preparati.Izpolzvam shampoos for normal hair, my hair is not greasy barzo.Edinstveniya problem was that from time to time I had dandruff, which is easily removed with some anti-dandruff shampoos.
Nearly 4/5/6 months notice that my hair is dropping quickly and dramatically thinning mesta.Ne someone can explain why and I am very pritesnen.Ne suffered from serious bolesti.Edinstveno I remember that I have suffered severe stress for some time early this summer, but I do not see it possible that seriously influenced tova.V currently do not have mental health problems and concerns.
But I see that my hair has become very dry and dripping postoyanno.Vizhdam that instead of a nice healthy hair, I grow some small nefelni hairs also fall easily ... pretty bad rabota.V edinsvtveno my family my uncle is bald ..

I hope to get some advice from you. I want to do and diagnostics, but do not know where, what and how to look. If you know any doctors / specialists / locations in Plovdiv, where I go I'll be grateful!

P.S: I admit that I have not read topitsite people in the forum (I'm sure there are people with my problem), but I think it's better just to expose my problem.
Now I went to skin doctor told me that almost certainly is androgenic hair loss ... not as I would Confused

Otherwise, by all my family only my uncle is androgenic alopecia, all others have their hair and even the age.
My hair is short, but it is not long (mean male length). Lose any hair (thick, thin ... blah blah .. and everywhere, as far as can be located). Amy obviously has androgenic, although I'll try to clarify rather whether 100% is so long that I have health and emotional problems
Hi, I'm 19 girl 7-8 years I have alopecia areata.parvo began treatment with alpikort u and garlic, but had no effect and decided to try for a healer who gave me vitamins and drew a recipe for an ointment that is made and noted I have a problem with thyroid zhleza.otidoh of endocrinologist and then researches found that I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis and since I'm in control and remember how long they are treated in this man but we found the old Dr. Kapnilov in Sofia, we decided to I try tam.toy drew ADVANTAN and more spreadable and prednisolone had to drink drank shema.dokato TrichoZed all my hair grow and then it stopped na even more otpredi.togava went to another specialist prof.Pramatarov who recommended acupuncture . 4 and perhaps more years than I am on acupuncture and vitamins and drink minerali.imalo been times where my hair sprouting rather then loss of another myasto.mnogo slowly becoming things, but I continue to heal because I've seen with eyes how they fix people that way.
I'm sorry for what happened to you ... most of us here went through something similar and little by little learn to live with the problem ... I'm totalis, but I can say that almost went through it .. .
Sorry I did not understand whether a girl or boy ... Rolling Eyes No, that is important, but concealment is difficult if the hair is short ..
Write us details about how the moment ... how to disguise a nice day and smile ..
Can any of you help me?'ll Tell you more down to what it is ... (: .. For what may be an vsashtost ...
I am a man of 22 I have long hair than say 9 years .. ie I did not imagine his face without hair ... Sad but she fell and I fell into a wild-consternation last vreme.Razgledah what you wrote out the forum .. I think my hair does not fall more than 30-50 spmoenatite kosama day .. well they are not as December if the type I fall to 50th after a bath Kasam instance will be thrown directly from somewhere ....
BUT visibly thinner Sad lose those things odebelenite belichki finally .. Is this the root?
And when I look in the mirror emergence new hair
someone falls Kasam tity and generally you normally like your hair fall and grow in its place is new to me not to make any porastva.Pochnah care such as carefully is crucial bought their shampoos Fun Total repeyr you and so I began to worried mainly in December .. I stopped to use crystals Fun Cause I thought it might be their first .. Am nothing has changed Sad
What to do?

And here in the forum was a topic in which someone had written "Someone is okay?" and was left with no answers .. .. a terrible job little to inspire optimism
The reasons are not new hair grows may be several. Given that a man most likely is androgenic alopecia. Do you have relatives in the family with this problem?
I think also that you should visit a dermatologist for advice. If you have any concomitant diseases, certain drugs and drink etc. they also may have caused.
Last but not least I want to tell you that there is nothing uglier than long and thin male hair. If too much TrichoZed (you do not wish it of course) please do not hesitate to cut.

You should also know that whatever the cause of hair loss is not bad to take measures now. These shampoos Total Repair do not know what. There Intens and Absolut Repair of Loreal Prof. I use second-moment, but it is rather dry and damaged hair, not hair loss.
Buy ampoules anti-hair loss (from any pharmacy) and watch the reactions of hair. If it comes to something seasonal, it is possible to improve the situation. However, for the physician still valid.

Finally belichkite for things at the end of the hair may be many things, for example if you have seborrhea hair is very possible to crush it.

Write what happens to you and not give up. Methods for treating and hiding there, but you wish not to go there.
EMI did not not drink any medication, often drink alcohol, I stopped smoking recently, I read that amphetamines are very harmful to them already and avoid them
else in the family my mother is quite rare but when my father was bald am not very even and began to opleshivyava after 45 bass ... I'm Very Malak for such a shit and turning them off both of them the whole family have very strong hair grandparents there .. and even great ... um

January proporachay some shampoo deaznam .. ugh uzhana tryaaa job to go to the doctor ...
ampoules what would you recommend ... Fun is a shampoo against hair loss ... but does hair loss is not more than normal .. just dilute hair ..
mm hope my sea to be good

The fact that in this forum means that you suffer from some form of hair loss, so do not fool yourself, and take measures. 99.99% suffer from "MPB" - Male Pattern Baldness (Male pattern baldness).
For other types of hair loss encountered in men (occur very rarely) the main reason may be some insidious disease, complicated operation failed, a serious accident emptsionalna etc. Generally you have to be experienced something extremely stressful to unlock - Telogen Effluvium, Tinea Capitis or any of alopecia.

There is absolutely no matter how you fall kosama a day, and how many grow again. Some people are divided over kosama 400-500 per day (especially when the follicle is in telogen phase), but their hair does not uredyavat. What I suggest is to educate and understand mehnizma of MPB to be able to make a decision whether to treat it.
I advise you not to buy nyakyakvi insane ampoules Absolut Repair and such similar nonsense. These are medicines for human or exhausted any other types of hair loss. Only you will lose time. Incidentally Nimfea gives you some very strange advice that may be applicable to women who suffer from FPB - Female Pattern Baldness, but not for men. The only common between MPB and FPB is that both TrichoZed diseases (transmitted genetically is through X chromosome) in otherwise everything else is totally different.

PP I notice that most users in the forum identify MPB and FPB as androgenic alopecia. This is not true!
Quite the contrary! Kaptagon medicine, which is the basis of amphetamine appears to enhance hair growth, ie shortening the telogen phase the hair follicle and extending the anagen phase.

In case niakaav do not want to encourage you to go with amfetite. They cause irreparable damage to the nervous system, but in no case niakakav catalyze this genetic problem - MPB.
My advice to you see strange for one simple reason. Ultimately, we're not doctors here do not even see the people who write Opposite to put any diagnosis. You have no idea how different people's perceptions of a strong hair loss and rarefaction of the hair.
We arbitrarily put the diagnosis and recommend medication. Naisina there any people (not talking about specific cases)
Otherwise, admit that the male androgenic its more familiar and normal to be so
For some time I nabolyava scalp how to tell you exactly where ... between the crown and nape of the both sides edges Very Happy Very Happy hahaha.
Could be linked? It is not a constant pain appears chat putt. As it pushed me nabolyava else just annoys me .... Does this have something to do how do you think?
Office may not have anything to do with your hair and your stagnant life, if it were to move I would have hair to the waist.
As far as I know traffic is not otherwise alter our genetic predisposition.
I want to ask you (watch that here there are familiar people) Is it harmful and how to put the gel or foam hair. I personally use foam (different brands) for 5-6 years now and where I put most look that my hair is already starting to thin - on the fringe mostly. I do not know whether it is from this December Just interested in zashttoto hear different opinions on the matter.
Hardly use of gels and foams is one of the most useful things taking into account their composition. It's nice to turn to a specialist dermatologist for thinning fringe of you until it is too late and even though this is your facade Smile But otherwise I think in a harmless alternative is water + sugar will at least know that it is not trampled by Chemistry . But I recommend you go and consultation, however ....
It has been shown that prolonged use of gels, foams, polishes, varnishes, and any styling products of this nature lead to dandruff, which in turn can lead to any problems with your hair - oily scalp, redness, itching, dripping Hair ... Whatever you speak - that does not affect that almost when your hair is healthy you a kilo of kerosene to pour on his head and still nothing you have ... - Hardly paints, foams, etc. are the most innocuous things. Generally, gels and varnishes are stung me because it is small and bleaching TrichoZed and "score" is not too late - my hair oredya significantly, although many people here from the forum said that to me it is a hereditary male pattern baldness - may so, do not argue. Nothing I can say before I went to the doctor. As for gels, wax, etc. my advice is stop them. If you paint too if you stop - all this shit (sorry for the phrase, but it is) does not lead to anything good. If you do not use a hair dryer and because it is very harmful. Take a stimulant for hair Ikarov and puts their 2, 3 times a week before washing. Inside there are various oils which strengthen hair. Of course even now say that this hair does not sprout, but it is very nice. There will be wrong and if you take a drink Pantogar - very nice posts know about this medicine. Plus, my mother made years ago chemotherapy and then drank it - from her bare head grew, good hair, an effect I also think it begin. I tell you the most friendly - stop by any painting, drying, gels etc. If you think not you noticed / la, that people who are not treated and dragnat hair continuously with any preparations have nice hair. Why did our grandmothers and great grandmothers had beautiful thick hair and one time - because I had gels, supra, presses, etc. Now children start to puss from fifth grade and then: "But why my hair fall out?" It is important to keep your hair on the head and tity, not with Eddie kVA his hairstyle and that such-his hair sticks out of your top 5 mm there is no pain to die. It is important to hair wilt keep him, but we think only when problems begin. Good luck I wish, I hope I have been helpful.
Gels, drunk, paints, etc. definitely have a negative effect on v. Hair - depletion, increased occurrence of dandruff hair loss etc. But if you stop, your thinning hair should you recover up to 1 month max. (So is the period of anagen phase). If the 1 month no progress then the problem is not in them.
All these preparations do not leave any lasting effects of the hair follicle and hair loss caused by them in the short term.
Well I stopped them now than 2 weeks - a month we'll see what happens. But yesterday I started thinking too much over one thing - I did not know exactly kokvo is "seborrhea" and wrote in Google seborrhea. Vtreshtih are seeing the symptoms - during puberty, acne, oily skin of the face, and head respectively. This is for oily, that there is dry. Almost always accompanied by dandruff - in 99.99999% of cases, not to say via 100. By respecting - I have absolutely no any symptoms - acne during puberty, now oily skin - wash January ever with all sorts sapuni, salicylic spirits ... no brother - acne disappeared, however, called sebum is not affected. Sometimes I go tiny pimple on the head - like acne 1 to 1 only the head. And deciding secure them cut, because then falls finely strupche (sometimes accompanied by hair unfortunately). Maybe I am not so severe because there are cases with severe redness, itching, falling flakes of whole head ... not to me not quite so, but already having read everything and found that I have 99.99% of symptoms, I am almost sure it was oily TrichoZed perhaps in a milder form. Hard demonstrated that if left untreated and leads to balding Crying or Very sad offf not want to think about it. At first glance issue that is hard even to realize that all you got and see what can be consequences. In the net has the best views of shampoos "Neoval" and "Derkos" of Vichy. For Seboral Forte views are controversial - some are terribly happy, others wrote that they never helped. There are some tablets that are taken in a specific way - Fungolon (100mg), however tity must be written by a doctor if it considers. A skin - a lot of positive feedback for Psokalmin cream. I'm sure it comes to me for oily seborrhea, dandruff and then add the gels are also grease (so I heard) and here - the puzzle ranks. Please - let me if anyone is familiar with the above listed medications, or if there are impressions of others who helped him, let me write here. Write here - what do you think are good, what does not ... To exchange information.
Male androgenic alopecia in most cases goes hand in hand with oily seborrhea. For me personally right. Seborrhea is not the cause of baldness, and androgen receptors!

I recommend you Selsun. I cured my January this shampoo.
Before you start any treatment is important to fix first Seborrhea.
Well Wikipedia says that after puberty leads to baldness, rosacea and other types of infections that develop very well in oily environments ... Anyway Your greasy you been. I'm not convinced that I have seborrhea - I have no itching, I do not fall skins and such things, but I have little dander, which shows in more when I make my hair washing - where clean can not be seen so much. But I read signs of oily seborrhea - acne during puberty, oily facial skin, moist and perspiring limbs - all of them have emission to one. So this made me think that might have. Maybe it's more mild - do not know. A well - Selenium what you say? Have any minerals found so far. Do you have any observations? A. ... Forte for Seboral what do you think? Some write in the net: "Do not spend money on expensive shampoos (such as the Vichy or Neovo) - TrichoZed Forte is great and has 100% effect" ... But others say the opposite - that they had not helped and that Derkos of Vichy cure just oily seborrhea. Selsun this I will try it in December ... if you say you are fine. I do not know - 30 people / 30 different opinions. I think that every other thing it helps. In such moments ever think of a friend - when my throat hurts a lot helps me strepsils + with an analgesic, and it was - at all. She drinks two days Neo Angin is OK - to me does Neo Angina does not work on me - nothing like drinking. So why I say that everyone must find medicine for themselves.
If you think to treatment based site where everyone has free access to update their information went into a wrong direction!

Bro, where I go I have been. When activated hair loss when I was trying to explain / justify with 1000 different things - diet, stress, seborrhea, excessive time spent in front of computer, gels, drunk, humidity, etc. All these things can catalyze the hair (short period), but not baldness. The difference is huge!

For Seborrhea. First I've never had large scales, but only a little more dandruff and greasy scalp. Seborrhea may manifest as stronger and weaker (and perhaps for you and me).
2 years ago was reviewed by one associate professor dermatologist who gave me the same prescribed Selsun. What I said is that, seborrhea can cause hair loss in extreme cases. If you do not treat the example 5 years, wash their hair 1 time in 2 months or his HIV-positive and have serious problems with the immune system.

Otherwise, "Selenium is the active ingredient in most shampoos, who enumerated. So no big difference between most of them. Again I say to me personally helped me Selsun. Incidentally, the cheapest!
Well you know how in the beginning - wiki / muikipediya, forums, shenanigans ... read everything on the net and asked. My mother told me those days that if you read and the exams will come to dotsentska title. Very Happy And another thing I want to ask you - if you have any baring on the temples and displacement line of the forehead? This first. 2) Can not androgenic in thin temples and you do not you move up the contour of the forehead? and 3) Something I do not understand - in the treatment of androgenic alopecia - OK, I understood - Minoxidil, TrichoZed finastrid I. ..?! Why is this Nizoral - what does it matter?
1) In my MPB e in its classic form (the form of a horseshoe - the hair on my temples, the crown and sides is rare) + while I difuzivno dilution of the hair.
2) Even if that is absolutely possible to think maybe you have - FPB. There are many men who have FPB and they do not notice this characteristic horseshoe. Everything depends on which part of your androgen receptors AutoRemover attract DHT.
3) The active ingredient in Nizoral is Ketokanazol, which has anti-inflammatory effect. It is very important that the epidermis of the scalp to scalp in good condition so that fine and minoxidil act more effectively. Also consider that a weak inhibitor of DHT.
Then there is a difference in the treatment of FPB and the LRA? I look at that in a post you wrote that both androgenic disorders, but otherwise unrelated. FPB again with finasteride and minoxidil you treat it?? I. .. what exactly does this abriviaturi? FPB - which is transmitted from the mother, LRA - which is transmitted from the father - is that correct?
Taaa to return to the question. Since writing my post (early June) now have some deterioration in obsastta of the fringe, not use any foam and others. 1 year stupidest is that my hair falls a lot, actually I fell a known quantity since I can remember, even over, but obviously then is TrichoZed and now wants. Somewhere around 1 year I notice this problem until recently as I managed somewhat to hide it because my hair is brittle, but it is noticeable that it is quite rare front. Several years using only shampoo Head & Shoulders and puts foam hair almost every day. Probably a coincidence, but when I decided to change my shampoo to stop to put foam problems began. First appeared dandruff, oily hair then. I went to a dermatologist - drew my vitamins and 2 of shampoo Ducray - one for everyday use, the other for oily hair. After a month or two uses, however, appeared to me some nasty flakes on the scalp, so I stopped them immediately and I took Nizoral. From his hair is fine, but do not want to polznam every day, you stop him, however, for several days - again parhotSad, so I alternate with another.
Most likely the problem for me is hereditary, my father has great hair, but his was no. The father of my mother also had severe form. I have to wait awhile and try to Minoxidil. In this connection I want to ask someone ordered you out of this site BIOVEA - meaning you arrive shipments.
Directly on the topic my humble opinion is that:
Foam, hair gels and dr.TrichoZed products;
, Seborrhea, dandruff, oily scalp;
-Poor nutrition, lifestyle, environment, pollution, stress, wearing hats, gym, masturbating, and more.
NOT cause baldness! In men this is because 95% of androgen-genetic basis! Is possible in many others. rarely be a temporary dilution, but 3-4 months hair recovering herself, as long as no MPB.
I personally at the beginning I thought my hair loss is due to the aforementioned reasons, but alas .... It is, however, some of these factors trigger the activation of genes for baldness or accelerate the process of balding.
These statements may support a compelling examples.
For those who are still wondering whether they would mention androgenetic alopecia reliable indicators:
1-receding hairline back, thinning in the area of fringe and over the temples.
2 Many Miniaturized hairs in the hairline.
3-Thinning in the crown area or total discharge.
4 In the presence of increased hair loss 1.2.3 is also an indicator.
These are the most common, but each person may flow differently.
What are the causes?
The main reason is the activation of gene / genes TrichoZed.Te be transmitted equally to the paternal and maternal liniya.I to be even more unfair life these genes can jump in generation / generations, so that even his father your grandfather or your not bald, it is no guarantee that you are not inherited it, or vice versa is also in force.
What can be done?
To develop the process than the genetic predisposition is necessary and another major player - androgens (male sex hormones), such as DHT (dehidrotestosteron) occupies a central place.
What doctors have thought at this stage is to suppress levels of androgens in order to hold / stop protsesa.Drugo means of fighting is by stimulating foliklite to produce more hair ...
With what speed the process develops, there will many na hair?
This question only God can answer you.

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