Sunday, 27 February 2011

How To Cure Hair Loss and Hair Fall 9

Only 18 years old I am, but already starting to opleshivyavam.Poluchavat circles on the left and right side of the head mi.Ne are very large, but certainly expand from predi.Vsichki mazhe in my clan are bald .... But I think about options such as hair transplant or if anyone knows or can advise me something I would greatly appreciate it ......
In addition to advise you to get your 5 -% Minoxidil and to begin letsenie time, I do not know what else. As you describe her is pure androgenic alopecia, and here there are not many options. Take your time to transplantation, polekuvay and if you catch ovreme and with any luck, may delay the removal indefinitely, even you never know, maybe not at all necessary.
Well not my choice but it probvam.Chetah in places that have satisfied hora.Az is now dub horse-vitamin and a hair mask kosopad.Blagodarya against you for the advice
Forget this trivitaminol, one that will help you Depositary androgenic alopecia, second it will take to overdose of vitamin A and get a terrible loss. Take minoxidil and land on time, he is the one from which sprout hair.
Aham.Emi will try to minoxidil, but you know from where can I take it because I was one pharmacy and they told me that you can order it from somewhere and they do not receive it.
If you are from Sofia to the pharmacy of Maria Luisa Halite to it, otherwise in each case in order. But BG import only 2-percent solution, but better is 5 percent. If you walk in nyakay chuhbina can you kupi.Mozhesh to order and otnyakoy site on the net, but to watch is a very low price, it might be a fake. Otherwise, in extreme cases and is 2 percent. Only the soil immediately and not postponed.
When new hair grows minute of it, so they advised to treat it. But do not be impatient, new hair starts to grow mallow 3rd 0.4 months.
Hello and thanks for the thousands of shared experience and support. For some time reading the forum and decided to join and to tell you about my problem. Since 19 years I began to notice thinning hair, now I'm 26. For me, alopecia developed quite gradually and without periods of intense hair loss (hair fall to 30-40 per day). Already 7 years my hair is fully diluted, but basically started to notice the last 3 years - my road became wider and longer wear it in the middle and away. Since before I had a wonderful thick hair, it took years before my own parents to recognize that the apparent problem. Shared with his family friends, but they argued that fancy because they usually come with freshly washed hair is fluffy and not licheshe. For the first time I went to a dermatologist when I was 22 and he prescribed me directly Regaine, not to recommend any research. I bought one package, but then I read a lot in internet and I decided not to use it, because I was afraid to become dependent for life, and realized that it must first get to the reasons. I did my research on thyroid hormones and then the results were still normal. Then I went to study abroad and I had time and money looking for a way to visit trikolog. I started to drink Revalid, subsequently Pantogar and tried some special shampoo, which might delay the process but does not do much for the eruption of new hair. I noticed that, run my fingers through your hair often find small (2-3 cm) hairs that fall with a little white ball finally - seems bulb is very weak and they fall prematurely. Otherwise I do not have dandruff, or rest my normal hair is greasy, but because of the dilution having to wash every 2 days for not so apparent scalp. I began to think it is androgenic alopecia, which I inherited from my father, who started losing hair at 50 years of age. However, for his age and yet it is man, this is quite normal. My mother of 55 years is extremely thick hair or even turned white, which made me look for another reason. At each break in the BG went on some beauticians and dermatologists - Dr. Emil Iliev from Medical College, Dr. Pasheva. 1 year ago Dr. Iliev the naked eye looked my hair and said I lost about 30% of it. Not me to research, because according to him was irregular stress and lifestyle as a student abroad, but I drew vitamins and other elements - biotin, selenium, folic acid, drank 1 year. I also sell lotion and shampoo Kath (an Italian company) I used about 6 months, but without result, and even his own agent wrote that affects hair loss in men. Dr. Pasheva recommend me the same vitamins, but also my list testing to do. This year however I did research on hormones - testosterone is very low, but discovered a thyroid problem because of increased TSH antibodies and TAT and MAT. Echography showed sure signs of the so-called Hashimoto's syndrome or reduced thyroid function, which lately has become more frequent especially in women. One manifestation of this disease is hair loss, because obviously trigger processes that attack the hair. You'll find a new theme for thyroiditis because my post was too long. I hope that with joint efforts to fight to find a way out and science to make progress because there is no sense to say and how I alopecia affects the psyche of the woman and not a day goes by without fret about it.
Hashimoto that May is at the heart of everything. and me May will prove that the cause of hair loss, 1 month drink hormones that decreased function of the gland. In fact, from various articles and information on the Internet for the first time I heard about research on cancer shitovidnata years ago. No doctor so far in the years before is not looking for reasons for hair loss in this gland. Too bad if they were more familiar would probably now be a better situation.
Anyway, apparently alone sometimes one must reach the right way, after much wandering and lost a lot of nerves and anxiety.
After one year of treatment of thyroid gland with minimum dose of 25 mg. Euthyrox day improvement in my hair does not occur. This summer I did complete hormonal studies and many are hoping to finally settle all my hormonal causes of hair loss and can be corrected with medication. For the first time explore and DHEA-s and a little above the limit (the limit 11.99 9.23) and testosterone in ma, but I would say more at the upper limit (2.62 in the limit 2.9).
This time I went to the Academy of Medicine with Dr. Popivanov (I describe in detail the topic 'androgenic alopecia - can be confused androgen'). Many hoped to abolish inheritance as an option and Dr. Popivanov to say that my thyroid is a major problem with the higher dose euthyrox or other preparation will be. Except he said that his inheritance is a major factor to trigger hair loss, and he always is hormonally driven, because hair follicles have the inherent greater sensitivity to hormonal changes caused by stress or any illness. After viewing ultrasound concluded that I have no pathological changes in the thyroid gland and despite repeatedly increased TAT and MAT antibodies can not speak of disease, because these values every organism to be individual. This makes me mad is that so much specialist tells me that despite some high performance I've completely healthy and his is my decision whether to experiment with hormonal drugs, because they do not know what will affect the hair well, and I can have unpleasant side effects. Such a mystery is it hormonal balance of any organism yet (I thought that medicine is mature)!
Instead of "glad" that I am "healthy" I do feel helpless, because with the current state of your hair does not feel himself, and it does not solve my psyche collapse. Even my own parents told me that he returned to Bulgaria them only deal with doctors and itself becoming obsessive about hair as a problem instead of being glad that I'm strong, which is most important. In a fit of nerves my father started me screaming that freak all about, and maybe soon I need a psychologist
Hello! That Hashimoto tell by now I had not heard, but apparently its quite common now ... I generally am not to have noticed any of the symptoms of Hashimoto, who later I read in the net! I had tests for alopecia areata, which I released in early December. At first a speck, which was greater ... then another came dosta.Kakto so now it is done, my researches hormones FT4 and TSH - are the norm! But my MAT 173.3, ie outside the limit! Said it was Hashimoto's syndrome, which is the cause of alopecia in. .. generally not treated Rolling Eyes Since reading the above post, however, that diagnosis apparently was not secure because you are told you that these items were for each individual and may not disease. I'm a bit confused, it poprintsip if you go to 10 doctors will get 10 different views, but still ... Now I do not know whether to go elsewhere if I have Hashimoto's syndrome, and if I start any treatment that would not hurt ... who knows anything about this let me write, pls! Each experience is beneficial
Well you done with The investigations, but do not seem to finish them off. I fully explore the adrenal glands, they produce most androgenic steroids and hormones that cause hair-Hiperandronen / androstenedione examined her as I see, and epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol / .Stresat not an abstract concept, but is a consequence of physical or emotional situation carats adrenal glands to work in an accelerated mode and release large amounts of adrenaline, which, if uninterrupted, is detrimental to chuvstvitemnite, hair follicle. Not to mention that there are other diseases of the adrenal that cause them to operate abnormally. I also hope strongly to their checked for proper absorption of food sub-ca from the body, as sometimes different reasons / inflammation of the intestine, pancreatitis, parasites etc / malabsorption syndrome occurs, not organezma may acquire the necessary substances as to submit them outside. Then the blood is not supplied with the necessary hair s not only her / and those dropping like leaves in October.
Hi Francesco,

Thanks for the advice, I have not examined the adrenaline until now, so after a month as you do new studies will include them to the list. Below are all of my results in July 2008. It was after 1 year of making Euthyrox (T4 synthetic hormone) of 25 micro grams per day (the lowest possible dose). Studies were made of fasting bra, I think in the middle of my monthly cycle (I think it was advisable to make at the beginning of the cycle, but I had no option).

Thyroid hormones:

FT 3 3.55 pmol / l (3.10 - 6.30)
FT 4 16.33 pmol / l (11.00 - 22.60)
TSH 2.312 mlU / l (0.35 - 5.00)

Thyroid antibodies:

TAT 727.7 lU / ml to 34
MAT 166.9 lU / ml to 12

Hormones adrenal glands:

DHEA-s 11.99 μmol / l (2.68 - 9.23)

Androstendion 1.13 ng / ml (0.46 - 3.39)

Cortizol 295.0 nmol / l (6:00-10:00 ch.124.2-662.4, 16:00 to 20:00 pm 49.68-179.4)


Testosteron 2.62 nmol / l (0.22 - 2.9)

17 OH Progesteron 0.79 ng / ml (not a rule. Borders)

Check for insulin resistance (diabetes type II):

Serum insulin 5.5 mU / l (0 min) (3.0 - 25.0)

Serum insulin 2.1 mU / l (180 min) (3.0 - 25.0)

C-peptide 0.41 nmol / L (0.26-1.39)


Hemoglobin 143 g / L (120 -160)
Iron 37.42 μmol / l (10.7 - 32.2)

From all these results it is concluded on the issue of dilution of the hair. According to endocrinologist from Medical Academy Dr. Popivanov can doubt for a hormonal imbalance, but because there is nothing striking out the rules can not say specifically what can cause hair loss. Only antibodies to the thyroid are quite high, but he said that every organism had its individual and can not judge the problem with the gland, provided that the ultrasound sees no pathological changes.

Otherwise, the question of absorption of nutrients and I doubted for intestinal infections and even parasites, which proved that I have. A year and a half I made a study of the small intestine with a camera even because they complain about something like a long lasting disorder. I never understood to have something not Crohn's disease with certainty, but perhaps there was a slight irritation of the small intestine. I drank some pills about 1-2 weeks and gave up a long time I have no complaints about the disorder, so this is hardly the problem.

Moreover, a month ago I stopped Euthyrox-a, because for 2 years no change in hair even gets worse. Maybe I was a small dose, we'll see what hormonal studies show one month later.

Greetings from me, maybe someone can compare with my The investigations to see whether there are similar things.
Definitely dehydroepiandrosterone you raised, a woman is less. A prerequisite for a possible, hormonal imbalance, and hence to some form of androgenic alopecia / this is one of the most powerful male sex hormones / .Ako and have some form of familial olremenenost / nasledsvenost / relations hair loss, the follicles become sensitive and you of slightly-zavishteni hormones / male. Endocrinology correctly told you about a possible imbalance, but as regards the heightened TAT and MAT so is every body is different, but that increase, I personally if I were you I would seek a second opinion of the endocrinologist. However, it is small and is probably / hopefully not so / it is an initial form of Hashimoto's thyroiditis / thyroid autoimmune reaction against / without early gland have top amendment. It is good that you reviewed your digestive tract and there is nothing alarming. This disorder can be polechi and chronic viral and bacterial infections that are transient. generally reduces the disorder continued for some time absorbtsshya normal nutrient, but it is momentary. And themselves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and throat and nosoglatkata / example of streptococci / are not a precondition for lasting hair loss, they only amplify an existing one, when chronic. In a nutshell dpored me looking at hormones, especially among new. I do not know what good for the topical treatment of hair loss, but take your anti-androgenic nyakakakav lotion, at least there are plenty of them. When it becomes clear the exact reason / but it is very difficult, often impossible / can then be initiated and adequate internal treatment. If not clear, as a huge number of cases, will cover the likely causes by different means. After research is looking more posts by endocrinologists, also dermatolozi.To per person comes just had enough of them at one point, but at least your obligation to do so for their own comfort and maximum information. Good luck!
Francesco Hi and thanks for the reply. I'm going for several years by doctors without any results, but I can not afford to drop to wrestle with the problem because a young woman it's a curse. So at the end of the month again begin research and visits - dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist. This time we go to a homeopath and have tried everything! And then I ordered and laser comb, hopefully I will not use it because many people share the good results.

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