Thursday, 3 February 2011

Main Causes For Hair Loss In Women

Few representatives of the fairer sex who are not confronted with the phenomenon of hair loss. Daily every woman loses on average between 10 and 150 hairs. However, when the number of fallen hair exceed this figure, the prerequisites for this must be sought in any of the following factors:
Stress - be it physical or mental, stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. Though often a result of crisis situations in life we lose much of her hair thing here is that after the passing of time patoviya she again began to grow.
Diet - A too restrictive and unbalanced diet can also lead to hair loss. When we reduce daily food intake, it is important to know that if we do not harm your hair, you also can arrange your meals, to take enough protein.
Too frequent washing - Excessive washing, on the one hand, removes the natural protective layer of hair. Secondly, in most shampoos that we use often contain ingredients that lead to itching, irritation, and ultimately hair loss.
Heredity - The majority of women who do not belong to any of the above categories, falling hair is directly related to the transferred gene from their parents. In such case, the only thing you can do is to seek ways to nurture her.
Menopause - a result of changing hormonal balance, some women lose much of their hair during this period. Unfortunately, this loss is irreversible and rare are the cases where the hair of women in menopause begins to grow again.
Health problems - In some cases the appearance of hair loss is an indicator of more serious health problems - diabetes, lupus, thyroid problems. When in doubt about such a state, it is best to immediately seek expert advice.
excessive hair dyeing - if often painted if paint is inappropriate - poor after bleaching. In both cases, the hair loses its elasticity and density, and finally thin.
Immediately after birth, especially if you had long hair during pregnancy, due to shortage of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is best during pregnancy hair to trim as possible.

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