Reasons for hair loss may be related to everyday life
When you can talk about hair loss? Under normal conditions, the hair of your head are about three years (growth stage - an angel), then they are entering a phase of rest - telogen. During the three months of telogen hair roots to shrivel into a small white stick and hair fall. It is normal to lose around 100 hairs every day, and most fall when wash hair with shampoo. Fallen hair then replaced by new.
People sometimes worry when you find hair on the pillow or in the sink, not realizing that was always the case. If you look carefully you will notice a white tip on the end which is evidence that these hairs were already dead. Normally, about 10% of the hairs of your head are in the telogen phase.
There are circumstances that "shock" our body and alter the normal rhythm of growth of hair and hair loss can predizivkat. As a result, 30-40% of the hair can pass in the telogen phase. Three months later, intense hair fall especially in front of the scalp.
Factors triggering hair loss can be:
High temperature;
Sudden weight loss;
Serious illness;
Severe stress (death in family, divorce, etc.)..
None of this threatens your life, and not necessarily be followed by hair loss. But when you see hair everywhere - on the pillow in the sink, etc., is already worrying. It sounds paradoxical but the more dramatic falleth hair, the better are the forecasts, because when the body returns to normal rhythm, much of the hair grows again.
In these cases need special treatment for hair loss.
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